Citing movie quotes MLA
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Comparing To Kill a Mockingbird with The Man Without a Face :: comparison compare contrast essays
"Fighting Fear and Tradition†Michael Jordan can't without any assistance dominate a b-ball match. Wayne Gretzky can't dominate hockey matches without anyone else either. It takes a group exertion to be effective. That was actually the situation in Harper Lee's To Murder a Mockingbird and The Man Without a Face. Despite the fact that the time time of To Kill a Mockingbird (1930s) and The Man Without a Face (1960s) were immensely unique, everybody required assistance, regardless of how hazardous. It is no simple errand and takes a ton of boldness, yet it isn't unimaginable, it is achievable.â Although Jem Finch and Charles Norstadt both developed after some time, Jem had no genuine objective but to be a superior all-around individual, while Charles' objective was to make it to the military school. In Jem's circumstance, he trusted one of the means to progress was to accompany his younger sibling, Scout, back home. He did, yet he paid a conciliatory cost. A total amazement assault would have left Jem dormant like a fish on dry land if Boo Radley, the untouchable, had not spared Jem's life. Jem even took the embarrassment of saying 'sorry' after pulverizing the nursery of Mrs. Dubose due to his absence of self control. Charles Norstadt developed a great deal also and was remunerated with passage to a top military school. He figured out how to acknowledge the way that individuals were done supporting him. For instance, when McLeod requested Charles to burrow a 3x3x3 gap, he would not do it. He later discovered that this was his geometry exercise. Likewise, when Charles endeavored to alternate route through his exposition task, he was gotten and acco!â rding to McLeod "a high class cheat now". Maybe, Charles' greatest development step was his capacity to see the individual behind the consumed face of Justin McLeod. The news was one-sided, and McLeod would not reply, so he had to take realities from his own encounters and decipher them "I didn't show you the entire summer so you could undermine this question!" hollered Justin McLeod. Despite the fact that both Jem and Charles battled against society's point of view, the two of them bloomed splendidly and were later ready to stand firm against a network with huge partialities. In spite of the partialities that the two networks had, the network in To Murder a Mockingbird was bigot towards Tom Robinson while the media depicted the negative picture of Justin McLeod in The Man Without a Face. As a result of Tom Robinson's racial disservice in court, Atticus Finch turned into his legal counselor. Atticus felt that everybody, including individuals all things considered, ought to be equivalent. "^ our courts are the incredible levelers,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Definition and Examples of Diglossia (Sociolinguistics)
Definition and Examples of Diglossia (Sociolinguistics) In sociolinguistics, diglossia isâ a circumstance in which two unmistakable assortments of a language are spoken inside a similar discourse network. Bilingual diglossia is a kind of diglossia in which one language varietyâ is utilized for composing and another for discourse. At the point when individuals are bidialectal, they can utilize two vernaculars of a similar language, in view of their environmental factors or various settings where they utilize either language variety. The termâ diglossiaâ (from the Greek forâ speaking two dialects) was first utilized in English by etymologist Charles Ferguson in 1959. Expression Versus Diglossia Diglossia is more required than simply exchanging between levels of expression in a similar language, for example, going from slang or messaging alternate routes to reviewing a proper paper for a class or report for a business. Its more than having the option to utilize a languagesâ vernacular. Diglossia, in a severe definition, is unmistakable in that the high form of a language isnt utilized for common discussion and has no local speakers. Models incorporate the contrasts among standard and Egyptian Arabic; Greek; and Haitian Creole.â In the great diglossic circumstance, two assortments of a language, for example, standard French and Haitian creole French, exist nearby each other in a solitary society, clarifies creator Robert Lane Greene. Every assortment has its own fixed capacities one a high, lofty assortment, and one a low, orâ colloquial, one. Utilizing an inappropriate assortment in an inappropriate circumstance would be socially wrong, nearly fair and square of conveying the BBCs evening news in broad Scots. He proceeds with the clarification: Kids become familiar with the low assortment as a local language; in diglossic societies, it is the language of home, the family, the boulevards and commercial centers, companionship, and solidarity. On the other hand, the high assortment is spoken by not many or none as a first language. It must be instructed in school. The high assortment is utilized for open talking, formal lecturesâ andâ higher training, transmissions, lessons, rituals, and composing. (Regularly the low assortment has no composed structure.) (You Are What You Speak. Delacorte, 2011) Creator Ralph W. Fasold takes this last perspective somewhat further, clarifying that individuals are shown the high (H) level in school, examining its language structure and rules of use, which they at that point apply to the low (L) level also when talking. Notwithstanding, he notes, In numerous diglossic networks, if speakers are asked, they will disclose to you L has no language structure, and that L discourse is the aftereffect of the inability to adhere to the guidelines of H punctuation (Introduction to Sociolinguistics: The Sociolinguistics of Society, Basil Blackwell, 1984). The high language likewise has progressively exceptional syntax more affectations, tenses, as well as structures than the low version.â Nor is diglossia consistently as generous as a network that justâ happensâ to have two dialects, one for law and one for visiting actually. Autor Ronald Wardhaugh, in An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, notes, It is utilized to assertâ socialâ position and to keep individuals in their place, especially those at the lower end of the social chain of importance (2006). Distinctive Definition of Diglossiaâ Different meanings of diglossia dont require the social perspective to be available and simply focus on the majority, the various dialects for various settings. For instance, Catalan (Barcelona) and Castillian (Spain overall) Spanish, dont have a social chain of command to their use however are provincial. The renditions of Spanish have enough cover that they can be comprehended by speakers of each however are various dialects. The equivalent applies to Swiss German and standard German; they are provincial. In somewhat more extensive meaning of diglossia, it can likewise includeâ social tongues, regardless of whether the dialects are notâ completely independent, unmistakable dialects. In the United States,â speakers of lingos, for example, Ebonics (African American Vernacular English, AAVE), Chicano English (ChE), and Vietnamese English (VE) likewise work in a diglossic domain. A few people contend that Ebonics has its own punctuation and seems related in genealogy to Creole dialects spoken by oppressed individuals of the Deep South (African dialects merging with English), yet others deviate, saying that it is anything but a different language yet only a dialect.â In this more extensive meaning of diglossia,â the two dialects can likewise acquire words from one another.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
CityDays and ClayNights
CityDays and ClayNights Clay Aiken! Im not sure how to explain the phenomenon I witnessed on Sunday night. There are many hundreds of thousands of women across the country who attend Clay Aiken concerts. They spend hours on several Clay Aiken message boards, and hundreds of dollars on hotel rooms, tickets, shirts, buttons, dinners, posters,, CDs, etc. One of these citizens of P.R.O.C. (the Peoples Republic of Clay) was generous enough to invite me to Clays Boston concert. The Bank of America Pavillion is right off the Silver Line, which hits the Red Line at South Station. These pictures do not do justice to how Clay-obsessed some Claymates are. I dont know where Clay got the idea he could fill out a pair of leather pants like Elvis, but. Here I am with my very own personal Clay. Sort of. People hold up cell phones and stream the concert onto the web. It looks like MITs mission to use science and technology to improve the world is being embraced by Claymates as well. Chocolates in custom-made Clay wrappers. (Im not making this up.) CityDays is an optional Orientation event focused on volunteering. From an email, This year, we had almost 800 students sign up for CityDays to go work with 45 community agencies. Our group went to Wellmet Project. Our group leader Spencer 07 (note the blue shirt) insisted on stopping at Dunkin Donuts and getting coffee before we started. He runs about 90 miles a week as a member of MITs Cross Country team, so he can afford the calories, and he UROPed at MIT this summer, so he can afford the price. Our location was near Central Square, so we were able to walk. Sam and I prepare to scrub the carpet like it has never been scrubbed before. To entertain ourselves, we played Would You Rather while cleaning. This game is really versatile and works on many levels. Witness: Nutrition Would you rather eat only green foods or only red foods? Pop culture Would you rather date Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston? Technology Would you rather give up e-mail or web search? Hygiene Would you rather go a year without showering or cutting your fingernails? Makes ya think, doesnt it? People goof around during our lunch break. (The red shirts designated normal volunteers from blue-shirted leaders like Spencer.) West Campus luau. Sorry, I didnt get photos of some of the activities (jello wrestling, volleyball, 3 bands), but heres what I have. Tiki bar. Soccer pinata. BBQ patience.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Native American a Cultural Diversity - 1426 Words
The American Indian is a very unique and integral part of Amreican history,with a very rich and beautiful cultural background.There are over 558 federally recognized tribes in America right now,and another 126 who have applied for federal recognition.At the time of first contact with Europeans, the United states was fully occupied by Indian Nations and some 300 Indian languages existed,approximately 106 of which are still spoken.The diversity and hetrogeneity of the American Indian community cannot be overstated. According to the 2000 Census there are 4.1 million people who identify themselves as Ameican Indian (either alone or in combination with other races)in the United States.About half the of the Indian population 60 years and†¦show more content†¦Many contemporary Indians use white mans medicine to treat white mans diseases. For example, diabetes, cancer, and gallbladder disease, and use Indian medicine to treat Indian problems (pain, disturbed family relationships re sulting in physical symptoms, or sicknesses of the spirit, which may include mental illness and alcoholism).In addition, many Western pharmaceuticals were actually based on Indian herbal medicines (for example, aspirin is derived from willow bark). American Indian elders have lower rates of death than whites for the top four leading causes of death (heart diseases, malignant neoplasms, cerebrovascular diseases, and chronic obstructive lung disease), but higher death rates for all other causes of death.The 4 leading causes of deaths reported among older American Indians are for tuberculosis, diabetes, pneumonia, and cirrhosis These causes of death have implications for the health care providers and educators, as most are preventable to some degree and could be addressed by culturally congruent intervention programs.American Indian males over 65 reported higher proportions of diabetes (1.5 times), gallbladder disease (1.4 times), and rheumatism (1.3 times) than older men in the gener al population. American Indian women over 65 had 2.4 times the rate of diabetes as older women in the general population. In comparisonShow MoreRelatedHistory And Theories Of Counseling827 Words  | 4 Pagesdestination being culturally competency. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Indie Classical Music To Me Sounds Like A More Idealistic
Indie Classical music to me sounds like a more idealistic variation for classical music’s new age. Classical to me means something that is traditional, from the past, and that has forever impacted someone in one way or another. The phrase â€Å"Indie-classical†to me simply sounds like a combination of genres, giving classical music a new variation through the use of collaborations between two different artists. This genre of music has only been increasing with popularity all around the world. Listening to the Indie-music playlist given to us, I came to the conclusion that pop and rock have had the most, and minimalism having little influence on this particular genre. Collaborations between Quartets and orchestral works seem to be more common†¦show more content†¦Through his collaboration and use of the right words in his lyrics he gives us all hope and strength to open up and do what you want to make it happen. Indie Classical music to me is happy music, and gives off a set of very good vibes, the upbeat tempo and the shifting of instruments gets the crowd moving. Just recently i made my way to Flash factory on 7th avenue to an indie classical event that was very underground and something I have never seen before. We see the popularity of this genre is only growing and in a city like New York it is only going to grow more and more due to the diversity we see. 2) Throughout the semester no musical instrument, element or artist caught my attention the way Steve Reich did. Steve Reich was a composer of the postmodernist period, who was one of the key founders of the minimalist school of music. Minimalism is known to be the musical progression based on the repetition of certain prolonged beats, rhythms, and patterns. One of the main reasons why minimalism had such an impact in the postmodernist period was because of the use of electronic styles that produced such short melodic rhythms and harmonies for a longer period of time. One of Steve Reich’s minimalist piece, â€Å"Clapping music†is really where his career took off. The entire piece is performed by two artists simultaneously clapping creating a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marketing Mix and Branding Free Essays
MARKETING MIX: PRODUCT AND BRANDING STRATEGIES Abstract Brands have now transcended their general definition of just being a name or logo that differentiates them from other products in the market to a more humane and characterized version to which people can relate to and come to depend on in their everyday lives. According to Fournier brands create relationship with customers. This paper agrees with the statement in the goods only category for Coca Cola however for the service only it does not hold true in this particular case for Disney’s Pixar Animation Studio. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Mix and Branding or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lastly, it looks at the implications for managers and how they can support their brand to outshine others in the market and garner a more loyal base resulting in profits. Marketing Mix: Products and Branding Strategies The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a â€Å"name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers†. However, in today’s competitive and consumer driven world brands are no longer simply names to identify a certain product or service they have taken the shape of a living character that has the ability to be a part of one’s self, family and everyday life (Fournier, 1998) Brand Ambassadors Brands have evolved into ‘people’ for consumers. When we talk about a brand we don’t just mean to consume a product or service. Repeated purchases and the satisfaction derived from them takes brands to a higher level. Brand loyalists expect brands to not only cater to their immediate but also psychological needs such as provide comfort, superior quality or service. There is a sense of attachment and relatedness to brands. Marketers and brand managers have started thinking of brands as not only a colorful logo or a catching tag-line and attractive packaging but also by characterizing it. Rolex has consistently presented its brand as a symbol of ‘power and success’ reinforcing it through advertising their watches through two most successful players, Tiger Woods and Roger Federer. Brand managers are looking for ‘brand ambassadors’ to carry out the personalization of brands and the benefits they have to offer to the consumer. People expect brands to deliver their expectations like from human beings and not to disappoint them. Successful brands always stay ahead and think of their consumer needs and how they can be personalized more so the brand becomes an essential part of their everyday lives. Enterprise Rent-a-Car has personalized its brand through its superior customer service. They understood their consumer’s needs for immediate and convenient service and whenever a car breaks down or is unavailable Enterprise’s name comes up the first thing in our heads. People have formed a relationship with McDonald’s Golden Arches and Ronald McDonald. Wherever they will see a familiar, smiling Ronald McDonald they’ll know the restaurant is present even if it’s in a foreign country. The New Coke vs. Coke Classic The best example of customer- brand relationship is of Coca-Cola Classic and the New Coke. Coca Cola has been in the maturity stage of the product life cycle for a long time as it continues to cater to millions of consumers worldwide across 200 countries everyday and continues to remain substantially profitable and ahead of its competitors. It has met with competition from Pepsi and other beverage makers yet it markets the top four of five beverage brands in the world. In 1985, New Coke was revealed to the consumers amid much fan fare, TV commercials and promises of ‘smoother but bolder’ taste. Though product surveys had concluded that the taste of New Coke was preferred however, the deep attachment of consumers to the original Coca Cola formula and their association with it was so strong that Coca Cola soon saw consumers protest and hoarding of the old version of product. On July, 11 the New Coca Cola was taken off shelves. â€Å"We did not understand the deep emotions of so many of our customers for Coca-Cola. †(Keough, n. d) As mentioned earlier, successful brands keep their consumers needs in view however Coca Cola made the error of not asking their loyal consumers if they even wanted to change their favorite beverage (Craig, n. ) Thus, this clearly shows that consumers form a relationship with brands and come to rely on it. They reject changes that take away that personalization aspect from the product that makes it their favorite. Even after 20 years the original Coca Cola is still the most preferred brand of millions worldwide. Disney Pixar Animation Studios With the advent of computers, animation has become an integral part of movies and they continue to entertain young and adults alike. Disney’s Pixar is a name among many which has produced outstanding movies like Wall-E, Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, etc. All these movies have fascinated viewers and pulled in billions of dollars worth of business. However, brand loyalty would not be the term for Pixar. Audiences enjoy movies that provide great entertainment and although Pixar provides excellent animates stories and characters and audiences expect them to do so yet they will basically focus more on the film rather than the movie studio producing it. Audiences are pulled in by the movie storylines, their characters and how they are portrayed. Even though big movie studios have better resources and greater distribution networks yet it does not guarantee them blockbuster movies every time. Animation studios like Pixar are in the maturity stage where other studios like Dream works SKG is also trying to make its marks and produce quality animated movies including Shrek, Kung Fu Panda and others which were also successful at the box office. Therefore what pulls in audiences is not the studio name itself rather it’s the story line and the entertainment provided by the movie. Implication for Brand Managers Fournier’s customer-brand relationship holds true for the goods only category in this paper whereas for the studio example it does not hold true. Brand management is an important aspect for any company that wishes to succeed in the consumer market. To have an effective position in the minds of the consumers and the ways to attract them and make them loyal to their particular brand is what most marketers aim to do. A foundation of brand loyalists allows the organization to charge a higher price and spend less on advertising, free trials and other promotional costs, with final result being an increase in shareholder wealth and continued profits. The key to managing brand identity is evolution, not revolution. Marketers are often tempted to radically change brands and products, which is a highly visible activity. Totally changing the brand visuals can give rise to consumer concerns about changes of ownership, or possible changes in brand values, or even unjustified extravagance (cited in Bennett Rundel-Thiele, 2005) Marketers must seek to be maximally different from competitors, and this requires more radical innovation. Brand managers must take risks. One successful launch involving a maximum difference will be very profitable and far more memorable for customers. Organizations seeking to improve brand loyalty should first identify the level at which their brand is successfully operating (functional, emotional or symbolic), and then develop marketing programs designed to resonate with the consumer at that level in a way that differentiates the brand from the competition. The ultimate goal for a brand manager would be a brand community, where consumers affiliate with other consumers around a brand (cited in Bennett Rundel-Thiele, 2005). References Bennett, R. Rundel-Thiele, S. (2005). The Brand loyalty life cycle: implications for marketers. Journal of Brand Management, 12(4), Retrieved February 17, 2010 from http://web. ebscohost. com/bsi/pdf? vid=3hid=106sid=0eca48ed-1ea6-4729-b299-80614bf5004c@sessionmgr114 Craig, S. (n. d). New coke and other marketing fiascoes. Retrieved February 17, 2010 from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/7209828/ Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, Retrieved February 17, 2010 from http://web. ebscohost. com/bsi/pdf? vid=3hid=106sid=6d4d1227-26e5-4cf7-b9c2-a8435ca06fbd@sessionmgr110 Keough, D. R. (n. d). New coke and other marketing fiascoes. Retrieved from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/7209828/ Lake, L. (n. d. ). What is Branding and how important is it to your marketing strategy? Retrieved Fevruary 17, 2010 fromhttp://marketing. about. com/cs/brandmktg/a/whatisbranding. htm How to cite Marketing Mix and Branding, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Letter from Birmingham Jail Analysis free essay sample
Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King wrote the letter on the 16th of April in 1963. He was responding to his fellow clergymen after they called him unwise and untimely. King was arrested for his civil disobedience in the protests and marches that he led. Martin Luther Kings audience in the letter were the clergymen who are men of religion. Therefore King alludes to religious figures in order to appeal to the clergymen. He speaks in a respectful tone so they believe that he is a civil man and does not mean to offend them. In response to the clergymens first claim that King is a an extremist, he uses allusions that appeal to the clergymen as well as anaphora and a rhetorical question. He refutes the claim that he is a lawbreaker by allding to religious figures and human rights. The clergymen also claim that Kings actions are untimely. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter from Birmingham Jail Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Martin Luther King responds to this with charged words and anaphora that are meant to refute their claim. In response to the claim that he is an extremist Martin Luther King uses allusions and compares himself to religious extremists and shows that extremism is not exclusively negative to appeal to the clergymens religious values and to prove that he is a positive extremist. When King claims, â€Å"was not Jesus an extremist for love was not Amos an extremist for justice,†he is making an allusion to religious figures who fought for the greater good. This comparison appeals to the clergymen because he uses allusions they can relate to and also uses anaphora to stress the importance of his point. Another response to their claim King makes is â€Å"Will we be extremists for hate of for love? ,†which proves that it is not necessarily negative to be an extremist. In asking this, Martin Luther King uses a rhetorical question to make the clergymen reconsider their claim and their definition of an extremist. King effectively counters his audiences accusations about extremists with allusions, anaphora and a rhetorical question. Martin Luther King responds to the clergymens claim that he is a lawbreaker by using charged words and anaphora that explain that some laws are meant to be broken. When King explains, â€Å" here are two types of laws: just and unjust I would agree with St. Augustine that an unjust law is no law at all†he is alluding to St. Augustine who is a religious figure which would appeal to the clergymen. In addition to St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas is brought up as well, â€Å" An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and nat ural law. Any law that uproots human personality is unjust. †this describes in what seperate forms a law can be percieved. Martin Luther King refutes the clergys claim by backing up his side with religious figures who parallel his ideals. As a result of the clergymen who claim that Kings actions are those of an untimely man, he uses charged words and anaphora to refute their claim. When King describes the situation in the eyes of a fellow African-American, â€Å"when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick and even kill your lack brother and sisters; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent socirty; when you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she cant go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television he is using pathos, an emotional appeal to get the audinces attention, and anaphora, which emphasises the point behind his words. King describes the feelings of each and every Negro effected by the segregation and hate of the time in an attempt to emotionally effect the audience, the clergymen. King wraps up his argument by appealing to the clergys emotions with sensory detail that leaves them with a feeling of their fellow Americans, the Negro community. In Kings explantion, â€Å"Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities †he describes his hopes for the future of humanity that will one day lead to equality among all of us. He refers to the clergy as his â€Å"brother†and â€Å"fellow†which puts him at their level of understanding. King believes that every man deserves the right to walk alongside one another with the thought of peace and tranquility crossing their minds.
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